June 05, 2012

50th Post

Happy 50th Post 
In the Bean Thyme!
Well, it's official...this post marks my 50th blog post! Thank you to all of my lovely followers for reading my posts over the year (one year blogiversary is coming up soooon)! I appreciate it more than you know and look forward to the next 50!

This morning started off like any other.  I got up and gave myself a few minutes to wake up before deciding what to have for breakfast.  Although, I really didn't have to think about it since I decided last night after dinner :)  

I changed it up a little bit though.  Mango, raspberries, oikos greek yogurt and Love Crunch red berries and chocolate granola! scrumptious!

After hanging around the apartment for a few hours, I got ready to meet my friend, Alyssa at the mall.  We spent a couple of hours wondering around drooling over shoes, clothes...all of those fun things! I only bought shampoo even though I was on the search for a summer dress!

After I got home I whipped up a quick lunch.  Amy's Texas Burger, caramelized onion hummus from Costco (YUM), celery and acocado.

I spent the rest of the afternoon rearranging our bedroom...and freezing fruit for a cool treat! Have you ever tried frozen grapes? If not, try it...seriously...do it NOW!

After Francis got home from work I put together a repeat from last night.  Romaine hearts, red peppers, grilled chicken breast and yogurt ranch dressing.  Topped off with freshly ground pepper!

Our plans for the night include a trip to the gym and perhaps the grocery store to pick up a few things for breakfast!

Enjoy your evening!


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