February 08, 2013


For some reason I really felt like writing an inspirational post.  So time for a little ramble...get prepared.  Sometimes I feel like we get bogged down by the pressures we face in our daily lives.  We let little things get to us and we stress ourselves out over things that really don't matter.  And for what? What's the point? Over the years, I have really gotten to know myself and understand how I function on a day to day basis. What makes me happy and what doesn't.  

I definitely try to incorporate the little things that make me happy on a daily basis no matter how small they may be.  I enjoy every single day because of these things.  Of course, I don't enjoy ever second of every day, and like many of you there are always things that I would like to change but can't.  I don't let any of these things bother me.  Things I have no control over.  Things that really don't matter.  If something like this does happen, I stop and think about what it is that is upsetting me at that very moment and ask myself "is it really worth it?" and my answer is usually "No."  

Not only do I no longer let the small things bother me, but I also try to approach every day and everything that happens throughout the day with a positive and optimistic perspective. 

I wake up every morning, some days a tad more tired than others, and know that today is going to be a great day.  How do I know it is going to be great? Because I am going to make it that way!  I have control over it.  I focus on positive thinking and enjoying the little things that make me tick.  My morning runs with awesome people (Britta and Max), the nice clothes that I am so lucky to own, having access to wonderful food, the great apartment I live in, my little Victoria family (shout out to Francis and Boston, my kitty), talking to my friends and family who live away from here, the delicious breakfast I always make myself, my health, my coffee/tea pitstop before work, my co-workers/owners smiling faces, watching my favourite shows, listening to great music...and the list goes on and on.  

I want to live a happy and fulfilled life and in order to do so I truly believe that we should stop and smell the roses.  It's amazing how the bad things start to fade when we focus on the good things in our lives.

So tomorrow, I urge you all to start your day on a positive note.  Tell yourself "today is going to be a GREAT day."  Be optimistic.  Find beauty in the small things and get out there and enjoy your life...it's the only one you have so make it the best it can possibly be :)

Ramble officially ended.


  1. Ahhhhhh! I cannot tell you how much I LOVE this post. You are the best. Seriously. Everything you said is just so true. We all really need to "stop and smell the roses" every.single.day. LOVVEEEE YOUUUU!

  2. LOOOOVEE! I am totally referring to this post anytime I get that negative Nancy attitude! We have so much to be happy about, but get too distracted by stuuupidd things!!
