July 26, 2011

Precious Pumpkin

So, it's been a couple days since I've done a post so I decided to do one. I usually remember to photograph at least one of my meals but forget to do the others and when this happens I decide not to make a post. Not sure why, but I'd rather have pictures of all of my meals than just one or two. Anywho, this morning I decided to have another smoothie in a bowl (surprise surprise) topped with some 5 minute granola that I may have overcooked just a tad....

The edges are a little darker than normal...but that's ok. I mean, I like burnt marshmallows, so why not burnt granola, right? wrong...it tastes pretty gross. Like fire...or I guess since I don't technically know what fire tastes like, like the smell of fire...or charcoal? Oh, you get the idea... But I didn't throw it away...I just picked off the burnt pieces because the rest was the perfect smoothie topper!

In the smoothie I had canned pumpkin, a frozen banana, almond milk, cinnamon and extra firm tofu (for  protein). Unfortunately you could really taste the tofu. Normally I add silken tofu, which has a very mild flavour and blends really well, but I didn't have any. It ended up being quite chunky. I added a drizzle of honey, which sweetened it up a bit. Luckily I had the granola and some plain yogurt to put on top to make the flavour :P

Apparently I was extra hungry this morning (maybe because I eat at 7 am so by 10/11 a.m. I am pretty hungry) so I had some prunes and an almond quinoa granola bar at around 10 a.m.

Lunch today was simple and delicious. Cucumber, carrots, peppers and tomatoes topped with some apple cider vinegar, Nacho Cheeze Sauce (recipe on the last post) and some feta cheese. I had a boiled egg on the side.


For dinner I had a repeat salad from lunch with a veggie burger (Amy's California) and boiled egg on the side. And of course there was ketchup. I LOVE KETCHUP!!!! Doesn't look too appetizing I know, but it was delicious.

For dessert I had cherries, watermelon and some popcorn with coconut oil and cinnaninamin (I used to say this as a kid). I was an empty pit today! 

Now it's time to relax and watch some Prison Break. Is anyone else obsessed with this show? Probably not since it isn't on TV anymore...I'm so behind on TV shows. Oh well, better late than never.


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