January 30, 2012

Overnight Oats are Back!

I've been really into overnight oats lately.  Weird considering I normally crave warm breakfasts all fall and winter long.  As soon as the craving hit...I knew what had to be done...

Enter...Creamy Overnight Oats!

Overnight oats are sooo easy.  All you do is put all of your ingredients in a jar/bowl, put in the fridge overnight, top with desired toppings in the morning and dig in! I've been loving them lately because I have been having very early/busy mornings lately and the last thing I want to do is make myself the kind of breakfast that I LOVE to eat.  The 30 seconds of prep are totally worth it I swear ;)

In this mix: 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup oikos yogurt, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 banana chopped up, 1/4 cup blueberries! In the morning I made some of my 5 minute granola, which I haven't made in forever! I forgot how delicious this stuff is :) If you are interested in that recipe just look through my older posts and you will find it!

oh and sorry for the horrible quality pictures.  I used the camera on my phone and they didn't turn out well at all but it was the best I could do.  I think I was too excited to eat this to care how the pictures turned out. You understand i'm sure!

Dinner tonight involved very simple ingredients, using things I had in my cupboards and fridge.  I decided on a red curry rice bowl!

I sautéed up an onion in about 1 tbsp of coconut oil, 1 clove of garlic, 3 carrots, 1 sweet potato, chickpeas, 1 can of coconut milk, and red curry paste.

served on top a bed of steaming hot brown rice.

This dish was good. And I mean REALLY good.  

I'm glad I made a decent amount of this stuff because curry makes great leftovers! Plus, this means I don't have to cook for at least a day! Gotta love that.

Have a wonderful night!


Oh and the last two pictures are of my legs after a run my friend Loring and I went on yesterday.  I think it was a little bit muddy...

It was seriously so much fun though! I definitely do not mind running in different weather.  Rain, snow... whatever. I like it! It makes my runs a lot more fun and interesting!

January 24, 2012

National Peanut Butter Day

Did you all know that it is National Peanut Butter Day today? Me either...I didn't even know it existed!
As a peanut butter lover, I think it's pretty cool that it does.  Too bad I realized this so late...otherwise I would have featured peanut butter in today's meals.  Oh well, I guess i'll just have to celebrate another day :)

This morning I work up nice and early to get ready for school.  I decided to eat the rest of the Bircher Museli.

My bowl of choice? An almost empty container of greek yogurt.  I love doing this because you get a little bite of tangy yogurt in each wonderful spoonful!

If you haven't tried this...I definitely urge you to do so!

After today's classes ended Francis and I came straight home to make some lunch! I put together one of the best salads I have had in a long time!

Romaine hearts, red peppers, red onion, fennel (mmmm...), cucumber, avacado, feta cheese and a homemade hummus dressing!  

I made a very simple hummus and added my chipotle puree and balsamic vinegar! This dressing was AMAZING!!!! It was so good that I am going to have the exact same meal for dinner tonight!

And now ladies and gentlemen...a feature on the blog...Francis' fabulous creation (his lunch)! I asked him if he'd like to be on the blog today and he said YES! He cut two pieces of sourdough, topped with tuna and cheddar cheese.  In the toaster over for 3-4 mins and voila! tuna melts.  He had soup of the side! 

Now time to do something productive...which may or may not involve watching Teen Mom and painting my nails.

Night xo

January 22, 2012

A little bit of boring can't hurt anyone...

I can't believe it has almost been a month since my last post.  That's quite pathetic if you ask me.  I really don't have an excuse either...other than the fact that I have been a bit lazy with my culinary creativity and have been forgetting to take pictures.  BOO.  I don't have anything too exciting to post but I can assure you that there will be some exciting and delicious recipes posted very very soon, which will feature my new Kitchen Aid Mixer and ICE CREAM/FROZEN YOGURT MAKER!!!! WOO!

For now...here are a very not-so-appealing, boring pictures of my eats of the day.

Quick and easy wrap on my way to work.  Brown rice wrap with avocado, grated carrot, cucumber, red peppers, a little bit of cheddar and chipotle puree.  Not too bad for a 2 minute meal. Other than the slightly hard edges of the wrap (apparently not everything lasts a century in the freezer - fail) this was pretty darn tasty!

Dinner tonight was simple and delicious.  Cucumbers, carrots, sweet potato with greek yogurt, cheddar cheese and Mrs. Dash seasoning - spicy and garlic herb! balsamic vinegar, sun dried tomato rice crackers and an egg on the side.  Random I know...but SO SO good!  Looks like I'm really enjoying the cheddar lately hey? I actually haven't eaten it in ages because I don't really buy or eat cheese but Francis loves it so we have it around now that he is back in Vic.  I have to eat my cheese in moderation to keep my tummy happy...but a few slices here and there are just fine :)

This is the Bircher Museli I made tonight, which I posted on my last post but I changed it up a bit.  The nuts this time were almond, pecans and walnuts and the apples are granny smith.  I highly recommend making these changes! It is so delicious! I can't wait to have it for breaky!

So there you have it folks...a day in the life of my food...minus a few undocumented snacks and breakfast of course!

As promised...delicious/NEW recipes to come!